
Showing posts from February 18, 2019

inputrc not working in ubuntu 18 as it used to in 16 and below

0 I used to create a simple .inputrc in my users directory and add the following: "e[A": history-search-backward "e[B": history-search-forward "e[C": forward-char "e[D": backward-char reload bash exec bash -l And then be easily able to traverse the bash history with the arrow keys. Now in ubuntu 18 the same does not work.. i don't know if it is not reading the inputrc file or something else.. anyone else had the same issue and found a resolution? i also tried from this answer ~/.inputrc file not sourcing correctly bind -f ~/.inputrc But this still is not working for me.. :/ inputrc share | improve this question ...

Trouble while using useradd command to add a user in solaris

-1 sudo useradd -c "Archana Saini & 758904381 SVN" -g svnuser -G edwgrp1,edwgrp2 -u 19408 -s /usr/bin/bash -d /export/home/as250067 -m as250067 getting an error: UX: useradd: WARNING: as250067 has no permissions to use /export/home/as250067. permissions solaris useradd share | improve this question edited 9 mins ago Kusalananda 131k 17 249 408 asked 14 mins ago Shivam Malhotra Shivam Malhotra 9 1 ...